How it Works
1) MobileMind partners with your school or district leaders to determine PD needs and establish goals.
2) Educators install the MobileMind Chrome extension and can immediately begin completing personalized micro-courses.
3) Learners complete hands-on challenges right within Google apps and submit relevant, practical learning tasks.
4) MobileMind’s educator team provides human feedback and celebrates learning achievements with badges along the way. 5) Participants and school/district leaders monitor learner progress with MobileMind’s seamless, at-a-glance reporting.
How is this Different from what Google offers for Exam Prep?
MobileMind offers targeted, concise micro-courses that include a hands-on challenge, and then their graders review your submission and provide *human* feedback. You even can earn badges along the way!
How many courses one hour of continuing ed/PD credit?
While the time it takes to complete micro-courses varies, MobileMind recommends to districts that three (3) of these micro-courses be counted as one hour of PD credit.
Does it offer badging/micro-credentialing?
They do! You earn credit for each micro-course you complete, but many of them also include a badge that demonstrates competency in that area.
Can we create custom content for the platform?
MobileMind can provide you with a template to share district- or school-specific content with your teachers. They can even earn custom badges if you wish.